As a church we meet every Sunday at 10.30am. We pray, we sing and we hear from the Bible. The service is usually finished by 11.45am after which we hang around to have a coffee and chat to one another. On the final Sunday of the month we have a shared church lunch after the service. Different people bring food and there always seems to be enough! There is no set dress code for our services. Please come in whatever you are comfortable in.
We are not a ‘sorted’ group of people. We’re all struggling but in different ways. Jesus came not for the healthy but the sick, not for the righteous but for sinners (Mark 2:17). We recognise that we are sinners and need help so if you’re not ‘sorted’ we’d love to welcome you.
On the second Sunday of the month we also have an evening prayer meeting. This starts at 6.30pm and usually lasts an hour.
We love having children with us on Sundays. Our longing is that children just like adults will come to be followers of Jesus. We’re convinced that part of being a follower of Jesus is being part of a church. So children are welcomed into our church and we hope they’ll grow to love church. We don’t have a separate children’s work as such. We want children to join in where they can however we know this can be hard. For children who are struggling we have a room with some toys and some DBS checked church members will help look after your child. If there is something extra we can do to help your children then do get in touch and we’ll do our best.
If you’d like to think more about children being in church then a really helpful book is “Let the children worship” which helps think through why it’s good to have children in church services with adults as well as some of the issues.
We are now able to meet fairly freely. We encourage everyone coming to do a lateral flow test before coming as the best way we can love one another well. You are very welcome to wear a mask and there is a video link to a separate room for those who would like to ensure they are distancing further from people.